Toddler Program

Making Friends

"Will You Play With Me?"

Our program lays the groundwork for strong friendships as toddlers learn essential social skills for effective collaboration. Teachers model positive interactions, guiding children to express themselves verbally and communicate peacefully. Through free movement, children engage with peers, while staff respect autonomy. Lessons cover social norms like polite refusal and greetings. This fosters a harmonious atmosphere, where experienced toddler teachers introduce children to community dynamics. With a 6:1 student-to-teacher ratio, it is guaranteed that each child is given personalized attention to learn and grow.

Prepared Environment

“It’s My World”

The toddler community classroom, designed for children aged 2-3, offers an organized and scaled environment tailored to their size. With open, sunlit spaces, a courtyard, a garden, and a playground, it becomes a comfortable second home that encourages independent exploration. Our AMI-trained Montessori guides, specialized in “Assistants to Infancy”, focus on the unique developmental needs of this phase, fostering intellectual, emotional, social, and physical growth through various activities like cooking, storytelling, and self-help skills. The children absorb language, culture, and their surroundings as they engage in these enriching experiences to encourage their curiosity and learning.

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